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Svet pod Krimom Druga
Year: 2016 Publisher: Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU,

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The micro-history of resistance and collaboration, as the subtitle could read of Gestrin's study on the life in the villages at the base of Mt. Krim in 1941-1945, is the author's attempt at reconstructing the most traumatic period in Slovenian history. Gestrin's history of death and hope is not just another descriptive statistics of combat units, but rather a cross-section of a violent daily routine that divided former neighbors into members of the resistance and collaborators with the occupying forces. These are brought back to life in the central chapters of the book, also by revealing nearly every aspect of their existence: what kind of families they came from, what they did for a living, the extent to which were they (if at all) active in the Communist Party or a trade union organization before the war. To what extent were they (if at all) torn between work in the nearby Ljubljana and chores on their farms, how did they experience the occupation, why did they join the Partisan and MVAC units, respectively, and, finally, why were they forced or otherwise compelled to switch sides and what implications did that have for their families.

Svet pod Krimom Druga
Year: 2016 Publisher: Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU,

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The micro-history of resistance and collaboration, as the subtitle could read of Gestrin's study on the life in the villages at the base of Mt. Krim in 1941-1945, is the author's attempt at reconstructing the most traumatic period in Slovenian history. Gestrin's history of death and hope is not just another descriptive statistics of combat units, but rather a cross-section of a violent daily routine that divided former neighbors into members of the resistance and collaborators with the occupying forces. These are brought back to life in the central chapters of the book, also by revealing nearly every aspect of their existence: what kind of families they came from, what they did for a living, the extent to which were they (if at all) active in the Communist Party or a trade union organization before the war. To what extent were they (if at all) torn between work in the nearby Ljubljana and chores on their farms, how did they experience the occupation, why did they join the Partisan and MVAC units, respectively, and, finally, why were they forced or otherwise compelled to switch sides and what implications did that have for their families.

Svet pod Krimom Druga
Year: 2016 Publisher: Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU,

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The micro-history of resistance and collaboration, as the subtitle could read of Gestrin's study on the life in the villages at the base of Mt. Krim in 1941-1945, is the author's attempt at reconstructing the most traumatic period in Slovenian history. Gestrin's history of death and hope is not just another descriptive statistics of combat units, but rather a cross-section of a violent daily routine that divided former neighbors into members of the resistance and collaborators with the occupying forces. These are brought back to life in the central chapters of the book, also by revealing nearly every aspect of their existence: what kind of families they came from, what they did for a living, the extent to which were they (if at all) active in the Communist Party or a trade union organization before the war. To what extent were they (if at all) torn between work in the nearby Ljubljana and chores on their farms, how did they experience the occupation, why did they join the Partisan and MVAC units, respectively, and, finally, why were they forced or otherwise compelled to switch sides and what implications did that have for their families.

Slovensko domobranstvo, 1943-1945 : ustanovitev, organizacija, idejno ozadje
ISBN: 9612131147 Year: 2003 Publisher: Ljubljana : Slovenska matica,

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To noč sem jo videl
ISBN: 9789612414580 9612414580 Year: 2019 Publisher: Ljubljana : Modrijan,

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Spomenik revolucije Draga Tršarja
ISBN: 9610503241 9612542244 Year: 2010 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Spomenik revolucije Draga Tršarja dobiva s pričujočo knjižico prvo temeljito umetnostnozgodovinsko analizo in interpretacijo. Na podlagi dostopnih virov nam avtor pronicljivo razkriva zgodbo natečaja za spomenik in nastajanja te moderne javne plastike ter njen ikonografski okvir. V obdobjih, kot so bila 60. leta in kot je današnji čas, je takšnim naročilom le redko mogoče prerasti ideološke meje in nagovoriti predvsem s svojo izvirno likovno kvaliteto. Tršarjev spomenik revolucije, ki je našel svoj prostor v zavetju dreves na nekdanjem uršulinskem vrtu, je eden takšnih.

Slovenski pravični med narodi
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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To stand up against Nazi ideas of biologized “ethnicity” and antisemitism required a heroic disposition in individuals who did not allow themselves to have their basic humanity destroyed by such ideologies, even as the latter were backed by formidable political and religious power and sweepingly popular beliefs. The men and women presented in the first part of the book have already been recognised as Righteous Among Nations for their brave humanitarian acts during WWII, a title bestowed by the Yad Vashem World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation and Commemoration. Part Two brings the stories about people who were also saving Jews that were not recognised as Righteous yet, but some among them are candidates. Upreti se ideologijam biologizirane »etničnosti« in antisemitizma je bilo v času nacizma še posebej junaško dejanje. Nagovorilo je ljudi, ki jim tovrstne ideologije, zavarovane s politično in religiozno avtoriteto in populističnimi prepričanji, niso mogle ubiti temeljnega humanizma. Ljudje, ženske in moški, ki jih predstavlja prvi del knjige, so bili za svoja pogumna in humana dejanja med drugo svetovno vojno že razpoznani kot pravične in pravični med narodi, kar je častni naslov in priznanje, ki ga podeljuje Jad Vašem, Svetovni center za raziskovanje, poučevanje, dokumentiranje in komemoriranje holokavsta v Jeruzalemu v Izraelu. Drugi del knjige prinaša zgodbe o ljudeh, ki so prav tako reševali preganjane Jude, ki pa naslova pravičnih še nimajo, a so nekateri že kandidatke in kandidati zanj.

Dežela senc : Spomin na izgon in izginotje judovske skupnosti v Prekmurju
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Dežela senc je berilo za uporabo pri pouku zgodovine v slovenskih osnovnih in tudi srednjih šolah. V prvem delu so predstavljene zgodovinske razmere, ki so vodile do antisemitizma in holokavsta v Evropi, v drugem pa so podrobneje predstavljene slovenske razmere. Podrobneje je opisana izkušnja preživele interniranke Erike Fürst, posebna pozornost pa je namenjena izboru slikovnega gradiva, med katerim so tudi odlomki iz dveh grafičnih novel: Maus Arta Speigelmana in Berlin (knjiga 1 in 2) Jasona Lutesa.

Po robovih spomina : Antisemitizem in uničenje prekmurske judovske skupnosti
Year: 2012 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Razprava je nastala v okviru mednarodnega projekta »Zamolčani holokavst: spomin na deportacijo prekmurskih Judov« ter je izčrpen prikaz ene najbolj groznih in žalostnih epizod sodobne svetovne in slovenske zgodovine. Besedilo je razdeljeno na dva dela, in sicer opis priprav in izvedbo »največjega organiziranega zločina v zgodovini civilizacije« ter predstavitev prizorišč tega zločina na slovenskih tleh. V prvem delu avtor osvetli okoliščine, zaradi katerih je do holokavsta in genocida nad slovanskimi narodi sploh prišlo oziroma zakaj in kako sta iz obrobnih ekstremističnih fašističnih in nacističnih idej vzniknila kar dva totalitarna imperija in kako sta človeštvo pripeljala do največje katastrofe v zgodovini. V drugem delu je podrobno predstavljeno dogajanje na slovenskih tleh, s poudarkom na Prekmurju, kjer so do leta 1944 delovale tri dobro organizirane in za pokrajino izjemno pomembne judovske skupnosti. Abstraktna in težko predstavljiva tragičnost druge svetovne vojne je tako predstavljena skozi konkretne usode pregnanih in skozi zgodbe o tistih, ki se niso nikoli vrnili.

Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino
Authors: ---
ISSN: 24637807 Year: 1986 Publisher: Ljubljana : Inštitut,

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